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Queen Page


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Dr.Phil - Defining Your "True Self"
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Michigan Ren Fest (2002)
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Silver Leaf Ren Faire (2002)
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Queen Page
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The Queen Page

Two years ago, it was voted that the GV Ren Faire did want to go toward a monarchy.  I accepted this role, knowing that it would cost more money to pull off then I could really ever imagine.  The following pictures and images will further show you how I made up my mind for going about turning Erin into a Queen....

Well, GV Ren approved Queenship. This is the picture that it will be based on....


... and I had to pick one of the most difficult dresses to make!!  But this is the one my heart fell in love with, Queen Elizabeth's Phoenix Gown.  (It gets its name from the broch on the stomacher.)  I was actually going to try to get all the little leaves done by an embroiderer, about 500 of them, so that we could so them on by hand, but I just recently decided that it would be crazy and way too much to try to undertake.

Yes, this task is going to be very time consuming, but very well priced for all the work that is going to be getting done.  I was going to choose a beautiful dark green velvet, with a very shiney gold satin underneath the over skirt.  However, I will warn anybody who is looking into having nice garb made, or making it, do NOT get satin or silk.  When exposed to water, they will permanatly stain.  Even after dry cleaning, they will never look the same again, so PLEASE, avoid those like the plague!!!


So, I started thinking of colors, I wanted to stand out, but I didn't want to but at the same time, I wanted it to be fairly accurate.  So, In this picture of Queen Elizabeth as represented in the movie, "Shakespeare In Love", I seemed to fall in love with the color mix in this picture.  I just love peacocks!!!!


So, in conclusion, this is just a taste of some Elizabethan fashion, from the 1500's, when this inspiring woman ruled England.  I am not sure quite when I am going to be corronated as of yet, simply because in order for my to assume the Queenship, I need at least two ladies in waiting, both with their own hoopskirts and such.... So, until then, it might be a few more months, but I am very looking forward to this garb!!!